“Normal” Business Hours: 10:00am – 7:30pm IST


2024 Maple Retail Rates

Retail rates and discounted blended rates are subject to change yearly on or after Jan. 1 of the upcoming year-end.

$165/hr. Sr. Strategist & Team Lead (from DM, Web, Brand, PPC & Paid Social, SEO, CRO, UX/UI Design, Content, Video, etc.)
$145/hr. Strategist
$165/hr. Back-end Development (eCommerce, Database, Applications & Integrations)
$145/hr. Front-end Development
$145/hr. UX/UI Design & Graphic Design
$145/hr. Account & Project Management
$145/hr. Content & Copywriting (Brand & Style, Long-Form & Short-Form)
$145/hr. Specialist: SEO, CRO, Link Building & Paid Search Specialist
$145/hr. Photo & Video
$125/hr. Web Admin., Marketing Coordinator & Marketing Associate

Discounted Blended Rates for Retainers & Non-Profits

Retainer Rate – $140/hr. (Discounted Blended Rate) for Retainer Clients – DM, P&U, and SEO, 16+ hours/month min.
Non-Profit Rate – $135/hr. (Discounted Blended Rate)

Paid Search & Social Management Rates 

< $4,999: $980 management fee (7 hrs/month)
$5,000 – $9,999: 17.5% of advertising spend
$10,000 – $19,999: 15% of advertising spend
$20,000 – $29,999: 12.5% of advertising spend
$30,000 – $99,999: 10% of advertising spend
$100,000 – $499,999: $10,000+ (Custom Retainers Available for Management)
$500,000 – $1mm+: $20,000+ (Custom Retainers Available for Management)

Terms & Conditions


This price does not include the printing or shipping of any materials. This price does not include the purchase of stock photography or video, press releases, catering, plugins, widgets, technology tools, travel expenses or any other hard costs. These items will be billed separately. Client is responsible for paying for and maintaining products/subscriptions.

All attempts will be made to use royalty-free stock photography. No images will be purchased without the consent of the client. Stock photography costs can range from $15 to $500+. Efforts will be made to use the lower priced images first.


* Interest rate for late payment is 2% monthly / 24% annually.

* If client does not respond to Maple Design’s communications (email, written, or phone messages) for more than seven (7) business days, Maple Design reserves the right to invoice the client for work completed to date.

* If a bill goes unpaid for more than 60 days and a client is unresponsive and/or makes no attempt to submit payment, the retainer is automatically cancelled. The client will be responsible for all balances up through the end of the cancellation month.

Client will:

* Provide any required text for project electronically.

· Provide desired images unless Maple Design has been contracted to retrieve images.

· Designate one person to be the point of contact for this project. All communications will be through this point of contact including but not limited to, approvals, reviews, changes, modifications, redesign and upgrades. This person will have final say, as a company representative, and will be responsible for all decisions. It is understood that this is a joint project and both parties will contribute time and energies towards its completion. Upon signing, please designate all parties who will act on your behalf, as company representative & deciding party.


Unless otherwise specified by client or Maple Design,or restricted through an existing Non-Disclosure Agreement or Confidentiality Agreement between parties, Maple Design and client reserve the right to publicize their business relationship, project overview, or project results, in a manner and fashion considered positive to each party. Such publication shall be limited to press releases, industry news releases, and normal marketing collateral materials in printed or electronic format.

Client Logo

Client grants Maple Design permission to publish its logo and the client company name on Maple Design collateral materials for both printed and onscreen public viewing for the express purposes of marketing its development and consultant services to potential customers only.

Delivery Schedule

Delivery of all project tasks is based on schedule availability. Specific timing cannot be guaranteed.


This proposal, together with all of the exhibits referenced herein, contain all of the agreements, understandings, representations, conditions, warranties and covenants made between the parties hereto. Unless set forth herein, neither party shall be liable for any other representations made. In the event that disputes arise that cannot be resolved amicably, both parties agree to submit to a process of arbitration.


It is understood that the work created by Maple Design pursuant to this Agreement shall ultimately be deemed “work made for hire.” However, until final payment is made, Maple Design shall retain all right, title and interest in said work, including any design, photography and all other intellectual property rights related thereto. Upon final payment, Maple Design shall fully assign and set over Client all of the right, title and interest in the work so that Client shall become the full owner thereof.

Project Cancellation

In the event that the client cancels project before completion, Maple Design shall deem the project completed and will invoice for the outstanding effort, time, and expenses up to the point of cancellation. If the work completed at the time of cancellation does not exceed the deposit made, the client will be credited for time not yet spent. This effort will be calculated as the actual time spent on the project up to the point of cancellation and will be calculated using the hourly rates agreed as part of the original quotation.

Video & Photoshoot Cancellation: 

A seven (7) day cancellation notice is required for all in-person video and photography shoots (a “shoot”). In the event the client cancels a shoot with less than a seven (7) day notice from the scheduled shoot date, Maple reserves the right to charge client for up to 50% of the shoot cost, PLUS up to 100% for any preparation time, materials and/or expenses directly tied to the shoot that cannot be re-used or reimbursed. Cancellations made up to seven (7) days before an in-person video or photography shoot will be processed without a penalty, unless there are any preparation time, food, travel, materials or other expenses incurred that are directly tied to the shoot and cannot be re-used or reimbursed.

Cancellation of Significant Meetings: 

A meeting of two (2) hours or more, and consisting of more than one (1) Maple employee is defined as a “significant meeting” (for example a Kick-Off Meeting, a Brainstorming Meeting, a Planning or Strategy Day). In the event the client cancels a significant meeting with less than a seven (7) day notice from the scheduled meeting date, Maple reserves the right to charge client for up to 50% of the meeting cost, PLUS up to 100% of any preparation time, food, travel, materials or other expenses incurred that are directly tied to the significant meeting and cannot be re-used or reimbursed. Cancellations made up to seven (7) days before a significant scheduled in-person/virtual meeting will be processed without a penalty, unless there are any preparation time, food, travel, materials or other expenses incurred that are directly tied to the significant meeting and cannot be re-used or reimbursed.

Retainer Cancellation

Any project where payment is based on a monthly schedule and not a milestone schedule is considered a “retainer.” Client can cancel this retainer with 60 days’ notice from the beginning of any calendar month. Two full months’ notice from the 1st of a calendar month is needed to cancel this contract. Therefore, the most notice needed is 90 days and the least notice needed is 60 days. For example, if notice were given on the 15th, this would require approximately 75 days, if notice were given on the 5th this would require approximately 85 days, if notice were given on the 30th, this would require approximately 60 days. Retainer cancellation, if given verbally or via email, requires a reply email confirming acknowledgement of cancellation. Cancellation via certified mail will also be accepted, mail to Maple, 155 Fleet St. Portsmouth, NH 03801.

Proposal/Estimate Expiration

This estimate is valid for 30 days, after which time Maple Design reserves the right to re-estimate the project as needed.